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Category Development Open Training 

Our popular Category Development training programme is open to all, ranging from new category professionals to individuals seeking practical application of category development principles.


During the course, you will acquire knowledge on how value is created in category relationships, delve into the category growth model, and understand the significance of a consumer-shopper focus. You will explore the concepts of Category Vision and Strategy, learning the process of their creation. Additionally, you will delve into category development principles, gaining insights on generating meaningful insights, actions, and recommendations. The course will also cover impactful category-based selling techniques designed to resonate with buyers.


The best-in-class content presented in 4 modules by category experts will elevate your category skills to the next level. The training is delivered in a friendly environment over a 4-week period.

The 'What'

And the 'How'

The four modules are designed to help you understand:

Module 1

2.5 hours

Category Development

  • What is Category Management

  • Uncover how Category Management can drive better sales 

  • Explore the importance of understanding the Consumer-Shopper 

  • Learn the Category Growth Model

Module 3

2.5 hours

Data to Insights to Action

  • Explore the different data sources, data types and uses

  • Learn what an insight ‘is’, what it ‘isn’t’ and what we ‘do’ with insights

  • Discover how to create insights and how to turn them into action plans and recommendations 

Module 1

2.5 hours

Category Strategy

  • What is a Category Strategy 

  • Understand the process of creating one, including

  • ​Category Definition

  • Category Role

  • Market Assessment 

  • Category Performance 

  • Category Growth Drivers 

  • Category Tactics

  • Implementation Planning 

Module 4

2.5 hours

Category Based Selling

  • Learn the Category Based Selling Principles 

  • Discover how to structure the most effective story

  • Finally, we show how to bring insights alive by harnessing the Power of Storytelling 

Category Development
Key Dates in 2024
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